Josh Harris


10 Bertie Minor Lane #5
San Francisco, Ca 94115
Tel:   415-931-1302
Fax:   415 567-3494

email: web site:


January 2000 Cisco Internetworking Devices Seminar Chesapeake Network Solutions
Spring 2000 UNIX Operating Systems City College
June 1999 - in progress BCLAD Multiple Subject Teaching Credential (Spanish) S.F. State
May 1996 & Aug 1998 EMT-1 Certification (Beginning Paramedic)
Sept. 1990 - June 1992 B.A. in Literature at Boston University
Sept. 1987 - June 1989 Undergraduate at University of California at San Diego
Sept. 1983 - June 1987 Lowell High School, San Francisco


Sept 2001 Ongoing TUTORING CENTER COORDINATOR: Marshall Elementary School SJETC

Teacher in the after school program at Marshall Elementary School. The tutorin center is run by St. John’s Educational Thresholds Center, a non-religious affiliated non-profit in the Mission District. The tutoring center is distinguished as a California Regional Learning Center and serves as a model to afterschool programs throughout the state. We provide a balance of academic and enrichment activites for the students with the emphasis on Youth Development.

Sept 1997 July 2000 TEACHER: S.F. Unified School District SFUSD

Two years as a Spanish Bilingual teacher at Bret Harte Elementary School. Summer school at the Everett Community Bridges Beacon, with St. John’s Summer School, an alternative enrichment program teaching Language Arts and Technology. One semester at Washington High School and a year as a substitute teacher at all grade levels throughout the city.
Bret Harte has S.F.'s best equipped computer lab, and a special partnership with Apple Computers.
Primary Duties: Create a positive learning environment where every child can learn. Focus: integrate curriculum, create lesson plans, assessments, class environment, class management, parent involvement. Toulumne River, CaPacuare river, Costa Rica

1989 - 1996 WHITEWATER RIVER GUIDE: North and South America

River guide with various companies in the U.S., Costa Rica, Peru and Argentina. Trips vary from one to five days long in remote wilderness areas.
Guide responsibilities include: safety, navigation, planning and preparing meals, trip leader, and equipment upkeep, insuring guests enjoy trips (group dynamics, interpersonal relations, education, recreation and entertainment.)Also accompany rafts as the safety kayak providing support and rescue expertise.
Rios Tropicales, Whitewater Voyages, Argentina Rafting Expeditions, ARTA, Echo The Wilderness Company, Zoar Outdoor

1983 - 1992 LIFEGUARD/SWIM INSTRUCTOR: Various Pools in S.F. and Oakland

Primary duties: Lifeguarding and teaching swimming to children and adults of all ages.


Windows, MacOS, Unix, Linux
Cisco IOS
- I have some experience installing and configuring simple-routed and switched LANs and routed WANs. I have been introduced to network protocols: Frame Relay, TCP/IP, RIP, ISDN, Spanning Tree Protocol, also assigning and discovering IP addresses and subnets, as well as creating access lists to filter IP and IPX traffic.
HTML - Websites I've developed (Brazilian dance company), (Progressive legal think tank)I did not originaly create this site (Elementary school student project).


(native language: English)
FluentSpanish: speaking, writing, reading
Fluent Portuguese: speaking, reading
Conversational Italian


Lowell swim team co-captain, three time MVP. All City Champion and Record Holder.
Boston University athletic scholarship (swimming). Water Polo team co-captain.
Advanced student of Capoeira, a Brazilian art form and cultural expression.
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